+33 (0)1 79 35 08 92
Yan-Eric Logeais
Yan-Eric Logeais advises French and foreign companies on individual and collective labor law, social protection law and criminal labor law.
He has specific expertise in issues relating to compensation & benefits, notably employee savings schemes and direct and indirect financial benefits granted to employees, as well as their social and tax treatment.
He has also developed a practice in occupational health and safety law, both in consulting and litigation (work-related accidents and illnesses, gross negligence cases), as well as in social security law (social security audits and litigation concerning social security contributions).
Finally, he assists institutions and companies with the legal management of their provident and pension schemes.
He is a lecturer at the Sorbonne Law School (Paris I), where he teaches in the Licence professionnelle responsable mutualiste bachelor program, the Droit social master program and the Droit de la protection sociale d’entreprise post-graduate program.
Yan-Eric Logeais holds a post-graduate diploma in civil law (Paris X-Nanterre). He began his career with Lautrette, before joining Gide in 2006, where he was counsel from 2016 to 2023.